Friday, June 24, 2016

To Brexit or not to Brexit

Ok guys so a while back it seemed like Greece would be forced to leave the European Union, the so called Grexit. Actually the Greeks themselves didn't want to leave, they just wanted more loans without any tough labor laws and austerity being forced down their throat. Their creditors on the other side talked a lot more about the Grexit trying to pressure the Greek government into submission.

With Great Britain is a whole different story. Now the British (or some of them) consider that having to respect some directives from Bruxelles is definately not good for their business, accepting immigrants is undesirable (although London was already full of them before UK joining EU) and other so on. We should remember however that the UE already made some concessions to Great Britain that are not applicable to other smaller countries (how about that equality between state members no?).

Anyway the markets went into a frenzy over this voting. Asking me I was sure the Remain side would win eventually because everyone knows the benefits of staying in the EU are better that the ones gained by leaving it. But it was also a tricky way to put more pressure on the EU leadership and other countries to accept Great Britain's demands and gain these concessions.

Now that we've seen that it can be done which country will follow next in threating to leave unless they get a better deal?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Arriving shortly - Get rich, get free

Well folks now that I have more free time I have decided to write an ebook - "Get rich, get free"  based on my experience and financial education taken in the past years. I plan to sell it very cheap at first to see how it works so be on the lookout. :)

Maybe I got what it takes to be the next great financial education bestseller-writer or maybe I get to help some people to get their personal finances straight. Wish me luck! :)