Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trump builds a wall between US and Mexico

So he really means it, the president Trump confirmed today the US will build a wall on the frontier with Mexico and then send the bill to their souther neigbours to pay for it. It makes sense as the wall is there to help Mexico keep its population in their country no? As you know thousands of tequila driven Mexicans loose their way every month and wind up in the US. And then they don't rememeber how to get back so they have to stay in US.

Obviously the Mexican president said his country will not pay a pesos for the wall. Try and make us was his message. Last time a Mexican president dared this was back in the 1850's. And we know how it went, without that the wall would have been built now through Arizona and California.

So the Great Wall of China will finally have a rival after thousands of years ... Who would have guessed?

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