Saturday, April 11, 2015

To Grexit or not to Grexit

After the panic of Syryza winning the elections in Greece calmed down and all the doomsayers analysts admitted there is no apocalypse yet it remains to be seen how the new so-called extremists will manage with governing a country with huge economic debt and a very impatient population.

Yes, it was easy to accuse the former goverment and promise a paradise in the elections but now when you are the wheel it starts getting rough. The prime minister Tsipras is still trying to maintain his populist speech, for startes he asked from Germany a collosal amount of money representing German reparations for the Nazi occupation back in World War II. Obviously Berlin refused to pay.

The next move is a visit to Russia which couldn't come in a more unfortunate moment for the European Union, just now when they are trying to show solidarity with Ukraine and raise the tone to Putin one of them is courting Russia. Actually more than one if we count Hungary's Viktor Orban or the Cyprus decision to allow Russian Navy to use its ports. All in all it is still to be seen who will lend money to Greece not just courtesy smiles.

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