Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The might Chinese dragon is landing - will it crash?

So there you know it, Chinese stock market falling like crazy these days. The big bubble finally burst. I guess it can happen in a communist centralized economy too. However as you would expect the response of the authorities is much stronger in such a state.

For once they forbid selling. Yes, you can do that. And it bruatlly fight the exact cause of prices falling. How can you stop a descending price? Make sure that no matter how small the demand the supply is non-existent.

Second they threw massive amounts of money owned by state banks and investment funds in the market to buy the biggest stocks and sustain artificially the demand.

So far this only stopped the bleeding or better said slowed it. The panic wave hit the nearby markets as well so you can expect stock prices falling in all of the Asians market. Could this be the start of the second wave of the economic crysis? Because make no mistake, the crysis problems weren't solved at all, they just hid the thrash under the carpet.

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