Friday, September 23, 2016

The new (poverty) generation

To be honest the new generations are a bit  screwed. The cost of their diplomas go higher and higher making most of them sink in debt to be able to afford going to college. It was far easier for their parents. It was almost free for their grand-parents. And yet they have to take tens of thousands in debt to afford going to a nice university. That's bad.

But that's not the worst. Loaded with debt these youngsters finish their studies to realize it's really tough to get a job. Sure, you have a diploma but with no experience who is gonna hire you? So they deal with a high unemployment rate. Some of them finally get a job however they find themselves earning close to minimum wage. And they have to pay rent ( housing market is a joke but more on that later), food, maybe a car and still they need to pay their student loan. They hear politicians like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump saying it's all gona be ok and their future is bright but they smell their future already. And it's stinking.

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