Sunday, August 25, 2024

Kursk invasion - the beginning of the end of the war?


In a copycat maneuver to the Russian invasion to create buffer zone in Harkov last spring the Ukrainians decided to copy them and launch an invasion in Russia's Kursk region. They gathered everything they had, newest equipment, best units and launched the attack on August 6th. 

Initially they had success, the border was protected by border patrols, conscripts and militias allowing Zelenski's troops to occupy several dozen villages including the small town of Sudza. But Russians reacted quite quickly limiting this pocket of occupation and limiting Kiev's army's advance further.

Fierce aviation, artillery and missiles strikes hit the invaders inside this pocket while Russia informs that more than 5000 invading soldiers were eliminated together with large numbers of tanks, armored vehicles, rocket launchers, etc. 

Conditions also deteriorate in the occupation zone where Russian civilians now ask the Ukrainian military administration set under occupation to provide for utilities, food, medicines and such putting an even greater strain on the already depleted capacities of the Ukrainian military. 

And in the meantime Russian armies continue their slow and steady advance in southern and eastern Ukraine, reaching Torestsk and closing in on Pokrovosk. Ceasov Yar is seeing hard battles with its eastern part already under tight Russian control.

A look back in history can't shake the feeling the Ukrainian offensive is just a desperate Battle of the Bulge type of attack, with sacrificing their best troops and equipment in the hope Russian will ease the pressure of the other fronts and hastily redeploy large units and divisions in Kursk. Allowing then the Ukrainian a counteroffensive that would fail shamefully as their last one during summer 2023.

But such a hope is far fetched and it was wishful thinking to believe Russian will fall for such a trap, actually they are pretty content with a larger front as their numerical superiority allows them to win the long game of attrition war.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Donald Trump versus Kakamila Harris

 After the senile-looking old man quit the presidential race (probably they can't accomodate diapers in the Oval Office) his good for nothing side-kick went into the race blazing. She is Indian, she is Black, she is Migrant, she is Quack? 

Showing the hypocrisy of the leftard extreme Americans are asked to vote for her just because she's not White. To discriminate in a positive manner. But that's long a modus operandi of the extreme leftards, if you are White, if you straight, if you are a man, if you are Christian they hate you with a passion from all their narrow rainbow colored brains.

In the meantime Donald Trump, while not the best choice either, is marching forward towards his second term. We are all looking forward to see the wokes crying in November and old mc Donald back at his oval farm. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Ukraine is in the toilet

 I think there is no point in arguing the war in Ukraine goes from bad to worse ...for Ukraine. Sure Russia is losing a lot of troops, tanks, vehicles and such but they are still winning in a war of attrition. 

Each week the Russian troops push deeper and deeper into Ukrainian territory even by a few kilometers "liberating" villages and closing in on their next target cities. Ceasov Iar is partially occupied, Konstaninovka is being reached and Ukrainian troops are retreating each day. Especially in Donetsk the situation is looking bleak with massive Russian artillery strikes that pummel and obliterate enemy positions.

There is still not sufficient western assistance and despite western useful idiots rhetoric and brown-nosed journalists another Ukrainian offensive simply doesn't stand a chance. More and more Zelenski is kicked and pressured into entering negotiations with Russia and these talsk won't be easy nor pleasant. 

Recalling how the "experts" said the Russian economy won't resist to western sanctions more than two month, maybe six then, and we are in the third year of war it is clear that the western markets aren't dominating the economy anymore. China, India, Brazil, the global South, the new emerging countries are capable of sustaining Russia's economy and even help it grow.

And with Donald Trump soon in the White House it will be check mate for poor Zelenski.