Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Don't Trump the elections

First they thought he was a joke, a colour spot on the grey boring background of the elections. I don't think anyone gave Donald Trump the slightest chances to win the Republican nomination, they considered though that including him will bring much needed media and advertising to the party. Surely the guy would say or do something funny or outrageous and we would laugh or comment, in other words stay focused on him.

But suprinsingly his popularity grew and grew until he wiped the floor with his Republican contesters. The politically correct crowds panted in disbelief and continued mocking, he has no chance against Hillary at least. He's just a runner-up, a sparring partner. Until again the polls showed for the first time that Donald Trump went ahead of the boring dim charisma-lacking Hillary. Then panic really struck these politically correct puppets and they started shouting bloody murder.

Let's face it the people are sick and disgusted with the same way of doing politics, with no one giving a cent about their views and opinions unless they want their vote, with the government empoverishing more and more the working class while bailing out the rich execs on Wall Street. And no wonder Hillary is the spoiled kid of all this rich money-hungry sharks. On the other hand Trump just speaks to the people and tells them the blunt truth. Yes it racist sometimes, it is offensive sometimes but in the end it's just how most of them think. Even the politically correct puppets have trouble denying this while living in their magical Christmas land.

So Brexit happened against all odds and against the puppets will, so will Trump?

Friday, June 24, 2016

To Brexit or not to Brexit

Ok guys so a while back it seemed like Greece would be forced to leave the European Union, the so called Grexit. Actually the Greeks themselves didn't want to leave, they just wanted more loans without any tough labor laws and austerity being forced down their throat. Their creditors on the other side talked a lot more about the Grexit trying to pressure the Greek government into submission.

With Great Britain is a whole different story. Now the British (or some of them) consider that having to respect some directives from Bruxelles is definately not good for their business, accepting immigrants is undesirable (although London was already full of them before UK joining EU) and other so on. We should remember however that the UE already made some concessions to Great Britain that are not applicable to other smaller countries (how about that equality between state members no?).

Anyway the markets went into a frenzy over this voting. Asking me I was sure the Remain side would win eventually because everyone knows the benefits of staying in the EU are better that the ones gained by leaving it. But it was also a tricky way to put more pressure on the EU leadership and other countries to accept Great Britain's demands and gain these concessions.

Now that we've seen that it can be done which country will follow next in threating to leave unless they get a better deal?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Arriving shortly - Get rich, get free

Well folks now that I have more free time I have decided to write an ebook - "Get rich, get free"  based on my experience and financial education taken in the past years. I plan to sell it very cheap at first to see how it works so be on the lookout. :)

Maybe I got what it takes to be the next great financial education bestseller-writer or maybe I get to help some people to get their personal finances straight. Wish me luck! :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Last spike before the great fall!

We see some really strange occurances on the US capital markets, stocks started to raise as if we all missed the news on how great economy is recovering and growing. Have you read such news? Me either, must have missed the story.

The oil markets are still struggling leaving many countries whose economy depend on the oil price struggling. And I'm not only mentioning Middle East countries, we can count at least Russia and Venezuela for example.

How about China? Who forgot about the 1000 punds gorilla (or dragon) in the room? The unprecedented boom in China’s $3 trillion (really!!!) corporate bond market is starting to unravel bigtime.
Spooked by a fresh wave of defaults at state-owned enterprises, investors in China’s yuan-denominated company notes have driven up yields for nine of the past ten days and triggered the biggest selloff in onshore junk debt since 2014. Now that's some serious concerns.

So rather than getting your high hopes for new bulls markets prepare to face the bears.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Deutsche Bank, ready to fall?

Well one of the big surprises of the start of the year is undoubtely the stocks price fall for Deutsche Bank. Once considered the safest bank in the safest EU country (Germany) the shock send panic waves through the financial markets all arround the world.

It's like how no one asked how in debt in Deutsche Bank after all? How much money is frozen in assets that lost much of their value in the past years, how much is speculated in risky investment and how much (or how little) is actually put in solid placements.Count that next to the slow-down in China and other Asian markets, lethargy of Japan economy, plunging commodity prices (especially oil) and heavily indebted energy firms, as well political upheaval from Greece to New Hampshire—all weigh heavily on banks in particular.

Speculators could also show their ugly heads and put more pressure on the bank's already falling stock - short -selling anyone? This could be all prerequisites for the perfect storm, one leading to an ever bigger disaster than Lehman Brothers.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Oil price getting to the ground

So yes, we're seeing the oil price dropping every day, seems like a free fall. Where it will end? It already reached some levels we though impossible a few years ago. One other question is how this affects who?

Well you have the oil producing countries first. Yeah, Arabs and all that but also Russia. The oil price going down means Russia will have to do with a reduced budget after all. Less money for weapons and researching that new line of Suhoi airplanes.

On the other hand it affects consumers, regular Joes like you and me. Or it should have. The fuel price has dropped a litlle but not dramatically, maybe those oil businesses want to keep the extra dollars for themselves as profit. And really how can blame them? As long as the people pay for what they charge they have no reason to lower their price just because the oil barrel price falls no?

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New nuclear test from North Korea - The H-bomb

Well it seems little old Kim is really boring these days, left out of party people to execute with cannons and decided it's time to do another nuclear bomb test. He knew it would upset the Americans, South Koreans, Japanese but he didn't really cared. According to the official agency in North Korea the test was a success but then again how would they dare it to present it otherwise?

Except for the case it fell dirrectly on Kim's head and exploded sending the only fat boy in that country in outer space it's safe to assume the news report would present it as a glowing victory of the nation and the communist party. Maybe the proud citizens would forget about their hunger for a few days. "Let's begin the year of 2016 ... with the thrilling sound of our first hydrogen bomb explosion, so that the whole world will look up to our socialist, nuclear-armed republic and the great Workers' Party of Korea!" Kim wrote in a handwritten message near his signature ( Oh and bring me some peperonni pizza!)

However the fat boy knows he can count on its big neighbouring friend China to help in times of trouble. Theoretically they share the same Communist regime but actually none of the countries government has anything else to do with it rather than a thin facade to fool the masses. Will more and hader sanctions be imposed on North Korea this time or it's again bluffing and cowardice from the UN superpowers?