Friday, April 7, 2017

US attack on Syria, Russia threatens

After playing the cat and mice game for a couple of years training and helping the anti al Assad "moderate rebels" US found itself in a tough spot, the Russian decisive intervention with ground troops, navy and aircrafts for the Syrian goverment. The long chain of following battles meant the same number of victories for al-Assad forces including the much discussed battle of Aleppo.

Currently the US backed "moderate rebels" are losing the war by a wide margin, their controlled territory shrinked considerably. So it made sense that their patrons, US, would look for a pretext to intervene and turn the tide or at least try to. This pretext was the possible use of chemical weapons by the government forces so it triggered a missile attack obliterating a Syrian airbase.

Of course Russia reacted strongly and condemned the attack, they don't like competition and al-Assad is to important to them as an ally to allow him deposed of power. Let's see the consequences...

Monday, April 3, 2017

When will the DJIA bubble burst? Dow Jones or Down Jones?

If you haven't been paying attention to the stock market lately (past few years) or never checked it let me assure everything is was peachy. DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average) went on steroids after Trump's winning the elections and it's at historical heights. Actually it passed the 20.000 points level, a fact considered impossible only a few decades ago.

But what goes up must come down no? And the current environment starts to look awfully close as 2007.  Stocks goes up and up, everyone knows the best tip and your doorman even shares it with you. Everybody is happily buying to get those huge profit margins like the guys who cashed last year. However those guys aren't buying anymore.

The Trump victory really encouraged the last spark of the markets so the fall is now only a matter of time. Make sure it doesn't catch you with your pants down.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Obama wanted to listen Trump's phones?

I can only imagine the secret service connecting Obama to another one of Trump's promising phonecalls.

- Get me the car, yes the full-options one and I want it red! How will I pay? I don't know, stop annoying me, cash or credit, ask my frickin secretary! I'm gonna be president and you waste my time with silly questions, I say I waaaant the car and that's that!

Or another one for the books:

- Yes I want an exclusive table, I will be there in the evening. No no doesn't matter, it may be 6 or 7 or 8 or later, just damn reserve it for ten hours. And put the lobster and champagne on the ice, I need to celebrate I will be president. And it better be good not that 1978 crap you served last time or you're fireeeed!

You can only imagine the hard work the secret services has to do to decypher these complex day to day operations of the former Republican candidate. And of course to cover all those f**k that clown Obama, I will make America great again with beeeeps.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Putin is not a killer, many of us are says Trump?

Well first time I have heard that I thought it was a joke. Or maybe a Russian hacker changed the content of a news website. But then I realized he actually said it.

So it's clear that Donald Trump has an interest to win Putin's good graces by praising him. The Russian leader obviously has a weak spot for praising so maybe acting as a good businessman Trump is just hitting the target.

Of course there was a lot of outcry after this declaration but all in vain. Putin is a great leader to his people even if he's not democratic, maybe Trump thinks he can do the same? Time will tell.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trump builds a wall between US and Mexico

So he really means it, the president Trump confirmed today the US will build a wall on the frontier with Mexico and then send the bill to their souther neigbours to pay for it. It makes sense as the wall is there to help Mexico keep its population in their country no? As you know thousands of tequila driven Mexicans loose their way every month and wind up in the US. And then they don't rememeber how to get back so they have to stay in US.

Obviously the Mexican president said his country will not pay a pesos for the wall. Try and make us was his message. Last time a Mexican president dared this was back in the 1850's. And we know how it went, without that the wall would have been built now through Arizona and California.

So the Great Wall of China will finally have a rival after thousands of years ... Who would have guessed?

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Trump, Putin and the Chinese president walk into a bar

.... and get drunk like happy jolly fellows for New Year! Well that's not gonna happen so let's see what they might do instead.

With the end of the Obama disastrous administration in terms of foreign policy both Russia's Putin and China try to secure what they have gained (Crimeea, eastern Ukraine, Syria and respectively the South China sea exclusive zone and the artificial islands they built there). It's hard to imagine that Trump will be weaker than Obama so both countries prepare for rougher times ahead.

With the oil price rising Russia's economy is slowly recovering and Putin is less and less inclined to pay attention to the West economic sanctions. After all the Ukrainian story is getting old and these sanctions will have to be lifted eventually.

China on the other hand is again facing concerns their economic growth might slow down, that housing bubble will burst, that overall production or sales might diminish. Therefore she is flexing its muscles by sending its first aircraft carrier Liaoning to patrol the South China sea troubles area.

Until 2017 let's take a break and wish you Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Trump and the US Iran nuclear deal

OK so we all know it, good old jolly Obama being such an idiot a nice president made a nuclear deal with the ayatollah of Iran, supreme religious leader of the country, all-mighty judge, chief of the armed forces and the only one eligible for huge discounts at McDonalds.

Of course there was outcry everywhere (Israel prime minister even cried and refused to eat anything else than cookies that day even the White House warned they will take his Nintendo away for the day). Well maybe there wasn't outcry everywhere as Putin opened a champagne he was holding for when he would annex the Baltic states and the Iran nuclear scientists got to work on the nuclear bomb.

Now Trump comes to office and he warns he will cancel the deals? Easier said than done mr future president, not sure how many business deals he cancelled in his careers but this might not be so simple. And it would make US look stupid in agreeing one thing and than taking it back shortly. So let the Iranis build their bombs, I mean even North Korea has them. And North Korea doesn't even have enough food.