Thursday, December 15, 2016

Trump and the US Iran nuclear deal

OK so we all know it, good old jolly Obama being such an idiot a nice president made a nuclear deal with the ayatollah of Iran, supreme religious leader of the country, all-mighty judge, chief of the armed forces and the only one eligible for huge discounts at McDonalds.

Of course there was outcry everywhere (Israel prime minister even cried and refused to eat anything else than cookies that day even the White House warned they will take his Nintendo away for the day). Well maybe there wasn't outcry everywhere as Putin opened a champagne he was holding for when he would annex the Baltic states and the Iran nuclear scientists got to work on the nuclear bomb.

Now Trump comes to office and he warns he will cancel the deals? Easier said than done mr future president, not sure how many business deals he cancelled in his careers but this might not be so simple. And it would make US look stupid in agreeing one thing and than taking it back shortly. So let the Iranis build their bombs, I mean even North Korea has them. And North Korea doesn't even have enough food.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Trump trumped them!

In a somehow suprising fashion for the general public Trump smashed Hillary in the elections. The media-washed brained-programmed cosmopolitan youth who manifested support for Clinton together with their Hollywood idols and Wall-Street owners  received a hard kick in their behainds. That's not bad for them, maybe it's gonna be the wake-up call and show them how full of rubbish is the political corectness and multiculturalism.

What will Trump do further? Choose his team and start making America great again? Not high hopes though he might continue to smash the current hypocrisy, bureaucratic and polticianist model started by Obama and Hillary. We can only hope something better comes out of it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Rigged polls for the Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump finals?

"Enough is enough" one would say it seeing that 99.9999999% percent of the media left out any trace of proffesional conduct and are blowing hard in Hilary's sails. I mean I get it, Trump is politically incorrect and speaks his mind bluntly which makes his run for the White House a great danger for all the non-sense propaganda the system threw our way in the last decades.

On the other hand Hillary is a woman (extra points for politically correctness), a well know politician, loved by the banks and top executives and hated by the ordinary people, especially by the youth. Why? Because she represents the typical hideous face of the system ( always politically correct even if she has to eat bullshit along the way, no drop of charisma, full of lies, very weak display in trying to show empathy for the people, in a very simple words: Not one of us! )

And really this is it, the common people can't resonate with Hillary, they feel her distant, uninterested and uniteresting. Should a different candidate other than Trump would face her in the elections she would be utterly defeated. Even with such a controversial character as Trump she still needs full support from the media to lead in the polls. But are these polls true? Is the full scale media attack on Trump enough to trick the people to vote in disgust for his opponent? We will see.

Friday, September 23, 2016

The new (poverty) generation

To be honest the new generations are a bit  screwed. The cost of their diplomas go higher and higher making most of them sink in debt to be able to afford going to college. It was far easier for their parents. It was almost free for their grand-parents. And yet they have to take tens of thousands in debt to afford going to a nice university. That's bad.

But that's not the worst. Loaded with debt these youngsters finish their studies to realize it's really tough to get a job. Sure, you have a diploma but with no experience who is gonna hire you? So they deal with a high unemployment rate. Some of them finally get a job however they find themselves earning close to minimum wage. And they have to pay rent ( housing market is a joke but more on that later), food, maybe a car and still they need to pay their student loan. They hear politicians like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump saying it's all gona be ok and their future is bright but they smell their future already. And it's stinking.

Friday, September 9, 2016

North Korea plays with nuclear toys ... again

I don't know how it is with you guys but a month can't pass without reading something about the loony piggy Kim Jong-Un and his distractions in his kingdom of North Korea (yes, I know technically they're a communist republic but come on people, this guy suceeded his father in power how at his turn suceeded his father so that's clearly some monarchy stuff under the rug...)

This time he launched a fifth nuclear test, firing a missile to celebrate the 68th anniversary of the country's split ... I mean independence. As always the press gave lots of records on these facts (maybe this is why he is launching them, to get media attention when he's feeling neglected) and as always the major powers goverments limited to criticizing and condemning and whatever they do to impress us common-people into believing that they really care.

Actually they don't, despite the regular threats the North Korean regime knows they could never launch a nuke attack and survive. Maybe they could hit Seul or Japan or some other city relatively close by but then what? Bye-bye piggy, you will have to face the music of retaliation. And the others have more nukes and bigger missiles.

Anyway I tend to classify these North Korea nuclear tests as entertainment news and I wonder how long until they will be moved from serious journals to tabloids and scandal papers.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Don't Trump the elections

First they thought he was a joke, a colour spot on the grey boring background of the elections. I don't think anyone gave Donald Trump the slightest chances to win the Republican nomination, they considered though that including him will bring much needed media and advertising to the party. Surely the guy would say or do something funny or outrageous and we would laugh or comment, in other words stay focused on him.

But suprinsingly his popularity grew and grew until he wiped the floor with his Republican contesters. The politically correct crowds panted in disbelief and continued mocking, he has no chance against Hillary at least. He's just a runner-up, a sparring partner. Until again the polls showed for the first time that Donald Trump went ahead of the boring dim charisma-lacking Hillary. Then panic really struck these politically correct puppets and they started shouting bloody murder.

Let's face it the people are sick and disgusted with the same way of doing politics, with no one giving a cent about their views and opinions unless they want their vote, with the government empoverishing more and more the working class while bailing out the rich execs on Wall Street. And no wonder Hillary is the spoiled kid of all this rich money-hungry sharks. On the other hand Trump just speaks to the people and tells them the blunt truth. Yes it racist sometimes, it is offensive sometimes but in the end it's just how most of them think. Even the politically correct puppets have trouble denying this while living in their magical Christmas land.

So Brexit happened against all odds and against the puppets will, so will Trump?

Friday, June 24, 2016

To Brexit or not to Brexit

Ok guys so a while back it seemed like Greece would be forced to leave the European Union, the so called Grexit. Actually the Greeks themselves didn't want to leave, they just wanted more loans without any tough labor laws and austerity being forced down their throat. Their creditors on the other side talked a lot more about the Grexit trying to pressure the Greek government into submission.

With Great Britain is a whole different story. Now the British (or some of them) consider that having to respect some directives from Bruxelles is definately not good for their business, accepting immigrants is undesirable (although London was already full of them before UK joining EU) and other so on. We should remember however that the UE already made some concessions to Great Britain that are not applicable to other smaller countries (how about that equality between state members no?).

Anyway the markets went into a frenzy over this voting. Asking me I was sure the Remain side would win eventually because everyone knows the benefits of staying in the EU are better that the ones gained by leaving it. But it was also a tricky way to put more pressure on the EU leadership and other countries to accept Great Britain's demands and gain these concessions.

Now that we've seen that it can be done which country will follow next in threating to leave unless they get a better deal?